Research & Development

Our participation in research project strengthens our know-how and allows us to continuously align ourselves on the most appropriate technologies, skills and process to realize innovative solutions for the market.  

The R&D area is a dynamic laboratory of ideas that guide and encourage new talents, pushing them to question themselves in order to grow and give their best and, in synergy with the team, develop their own creative energies for design innovative and flexibles products. 

The innovative nature, the experience, the technical skills and the high quality of the results allows Ro Technology to take part to national, European and international research & innovation projects in collaboration with Universities, research centers and prestigious industrial partners. 


The project area develops solutions for customers, by managing all the phases of the project such as requirements analysis, architectural design, development, testing and deployment (feasibility study, risk analysis, program management, monitoring, delivery and post sales).

Ro Technology offers its own professionalism, to provide an added value on project implementation.  The teams are made up by professionals with different skills and expertise, selected according to operational project context and required skills, continuously updated and trained trough a scrupulous planning of courses, permitting to operate in different technological contexts. 

Expertise areas can be grouped into:

Telco: LI process management solutions, traffic analysis solutions, mobile traffic analysis solutions, networking consultancy, OSS.

Public administration: GIS systems, Liferay portal development, Drupal portal development, design and implementation of geo-referenced web platforms.

Enterprise: Video analysis, motion detection, face recognition, portal development and M2M applications.

Our projects