Name: Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage in “Etruria Meridionale”

Acronym: ARCHEM 

Start date: 01/03/2020 End date: 31/08/2021

Budget: 73.939,66 €

Funding source: POR-FESR 2014-2020 – “Beni Culturali e Turismo”

Project objectives: The project aims to promote the cultural heritage of Etruria Meridionale with the proposal to improve the tourist experience through a smart museum platform. The goal is to use new digital technologies to relaunch tourism providing innovative tools necessary to administrations to promote attractions and events and protect the cultural heritage. The platform makes data and information available in real time useful for defining the actions necessary to increase the attractiveness of this area

Key technology involved: Smart Museum, Cultural Heritage, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, IoT, QR-Code, Bluetooth Low Energy

Ro Technology output/expected output: Ro Technology leads the activities of study, analysis and design of wireless devices-based systems. Furthermore, collaborates in machine learning activities for the recognition of artwork and archaeological finds

Project website:

Lead partner: Consoft Sistemi SpA,

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